Nature notes

Inspired by nature and my connection to landscapes. Scroll through my collection of nature notes which were gathered through the changing seasons and many years spent exploring the New Forest

Fledgling birds

An unwary blackbird chick will need to be fed by its[…]

Nature inspired autumn land art

Autumn is my favourite time of the year to be outdoors[…]

Hedgehog Hogitats

Hedgehogs are one of our most iconic British mammals and the[…]

Minibeasts and bughunting

Learning to observe and record wildlife is vital for understanding the[…]

Marvellous mud art

Mud, mud glorious mud! Most people see mud as something to[…]

Drawing from nature – nature journals

Creating a nature journal or field guide can be a richly[…]

Feathered friends

  January can be a wet and uninviting month to explore[…]